Before going into the details of each of the heavenly bodies .. We need to take an overview of them, in general .. We can say that the celestial bodies that belong to two main sections: "solar system bodies" and "distant space objects," solar system bodies are objects that track the sun (or rather, "revolves around"), and types are:
1 - planets: is the largest object in the solar system, and have a scientific definition will be talking about later.
2 - dwarf planets: is the second largest object in the solar system, and what distinguishes it from smaller objects such as spherical, the smallest of the planets, and its definition will also talk about it later.
3 - Asteroids: objects are smaller than the dwarf planets and larger asteroids, Voccalha irregular.
4 - comets: Asteroids are like, but what distinguishes both from the other that the tails of comets.
5 - meteorites: the small objects have a maximum diameter of a few tens of meters, but if this becomes the largest of asteroids, and have a diameter less than parts of a millimeter.

For the rest of what is around the sun (dust, debris and gas ..) It is not yet clear what is classified, and the meteors Vtsnifaa Kogram is a big mistake .. Could be argued that meteors are "astronomical phenomenon," where the meteors that arise when a meteoroid penetration of the atmosphere .. Which causes the appearance Kveol Bahtragaha and shiny in the sky.
Section II (remote space objects) are all objects that fall outside the limits of the solar system, and types are:
1 - Star Wars: The burning gas balls radiate light and heat.
2 - star clusters: clusters of stars can be up to the number of stars a few thousand.
3 - nebulae: areas, consisting of gas and dust with a high density, the areas that generate the stars.
4 - galaxies: giant clusters of stars, most stars within the galaxies (while the proportion of stars that fall within the clusters is not large), that can contain hundreds of galaxies billions of stars.
These are the celestial bodies in general, although it is still ahead of us a lot of details around and around the birth and extinction, etc

The second lesson: the solar system
Solar System or solar system is the term given to the sun and other celestial bodies that revolve around different, we have stated that these objects in the previous lesson is no need to address them again, the center of the solar system, a medium-sized star called "Sun" .. And the sun is never characterized from the rest of the other stars or the cluster size or other, and the solar system is not static it revolves around our galaxy (Milky Way).
The second-largest solar system bodies after stars are planets, there are eight planets in the solar system .. Is in the order (from closest to farthest from the sun): Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune, and there are between Mars and Jupiter belt consists of thousands of relatively small bodies called "asteroid belt" .. This belt is the point separating the two parts of the solar system, all located inside the orbit of this belt is called "the inner solar system" .. Everything that happens outside the so-called "outer solar system." Characterized by the inner solar system planets as the planets are all rocky and * small size and mass .. In addition, it is relatively close, and the largest of these planets is the Earth, while the planets of the outer solar system planets are characterized as a giant gaseous ** large-scale and mass .. And separated by enormous distances (for example .. between Jupiter and Saturn External 8 times the distance between Earth and Mars planetary interior), the largest of these planets and the largest of all the planets in the solar system is Jupiter.

We dealt with now the planets of the solar system (which is in fact a very small area diameter is equivalent to less than a 1500 of a diameter of the full), which although they represent a very small of the solar system to be more area we know it is most important for us, but what is behind this the region is still to this day largely unknown, but all what is behind the whole so-called "zone beyond Neptune" or "pain and the area behind the Neptunip" .. Relative to the planet Neptune - the planets beyond the sun -.
* Rocky planets: planets are composed mainly of solid metal, which makes them have solid surfaces are to walk by, including: the earth.
** Gaseous planets: planets are composed mainly of soft materials, and then the density of these planets are low and non-solid surfaces (Walking it is not possible), including: the buyer.
Lesson Three: galaxies
After taking an overview of the celestial bodies .. We now turn to one of the most important things for amateur astronomy: constellations, constellations or constellations is the name given to the rights of imaginable forms of stars, Fbmd imaginary lines between the stars converged imaginable human if it represents pictures of different things .. And taking weaves stories and legends about these pictures, a lot, but perhaps most of these images that are imagined rights of animals .. Such as: Bears larger and smaller and the lion and the lynx and the Snake and the Whale, etc. .., and others are mythical creatures such as: Cetus and Orion.
The number of galaxies is a modern 88, has been set clear boundaries for each constellation, this was changed to the border of great importance to identify the constellations of the various objects, so many uses.
Were classified constellations for each half of the hemispheres separately, if look at a map of the sky you will find it written somewhere in the "map of the sky the northern hemisphere" or "southern" or words of this kind, and the reason for this classification is that the galaxies that appear in the sky of each of the hemispheres differ .. Since the two poles of the Earth, of course, in opposite directions .. Which makes the sky of each vary.

- An example of how humans imagine the constellations, Valsop first-Jabbar is a constellation as it appears in the sky, and the second is a map of the constellation where the extended imaginary lines between the stars so that the image of a man who fights.
Sometimes may be in the northern hemisphere and see the constellations is drawn on a map skies .. Or do not see the constellations painted on it and the reason for this is that these maps are often of how that looks like the sky of polar hemisphere, and of course the sky is different from latitude to another .. Gazed at a height of one kilometer from the equator will see many of the constellations of the southern hemisphere!
Constellations and benefits in the identification of trends will eat later, God willing