Accelerated generally consists of a source of Almahonp particles such as electrons emitted from a hot or priming of atoms Mtoinp mule charged particles under the influence of electric voltage ranging from to 10 million volts. Is determining the course of these particles to be accelerated ray off towards the goal, and be accelerated within the vacuum (low pressure) to avoid dispersion of particles accelerated when colliding with air particles.
Accelerators are classified into three categories on the basis of the energy used to accelerate, as follows:
(1) low-energy accelerators: particles accelerated, producing a capacity ranging from 10 to 100 MeV and often use these accelerators to study the dispersion of particles accelerated interaction with the target material
(2) medium-energy accelerators: it produces a beam of particles accelerated card more than 100 million electron volts to reach 1000 million electron volts. When this energy is studied Alnyuklionat collision with the nuclei of elements has Sntj for these collisions generate particulate matter, such as Almjons accelerators in this study are nuclear powers and verify the installation of the kernel.
(3) high-energy accelerators: a Tantd beam of particles accelerated card more than 1000 million electron volts. The purpose of these accelerators is Antajeh new particles during the collision of these particles accelerated Bonoip elements and then study the properties of the resulting particles
Accelerators have been designed nuclear power up to expedite 10000000 MeV.
The main parts of the reactor
(1) the source of charged particles Ion source: the main source of accelerated particles, consisting of gas ionized by electric discharge are derived particles with positive charge through the electrode with a negative voltage 10000 volts.
(2) Bus ray beam optics: which is the number of routers, consisting of electric and magnetic devices to guide the particles accelerated in the path specified inside an accelerated such lenses in the light depends on the strength of the Lorenz Lorentz force
F = q (vxB)
(3) Target Target: a substance that is put at the end of accelerated testing purposes has been under study for example the experience of nuclear spectroscopy where the study of energy levels and sectional area of the objective in this case, the slice thickness of 10 microns, in the case study the production of secondary particles, a collision of nuclei accelerated with objective, the goal is thick up to 10 centimeter thick, so absorbed energy particles accelerated. In both cases the target is cooled until the temperature not change with the accelerated particle collision with him.
(4) Detector Detector, the part upon which the basic measurements to be obtained from the experiment, such as determining the quality of the resulting particles from the collision, energy and time of survival and the angular distribution of these reagents and a science in itself and we will devote a separate article to talk about.
Types of accelerators
(1) accelerated electrostatic Electrostatic accelerator
(2) accelerated Alscaltron Cyclotron accelerator
(3) Linear accelerator Linear accelerator
(4) accelerator Alsnctorn Synchrotrons
(5) Large Hadron Collider Colliding-Beam accelerator
Accelerated electrostatic Electrostatic accelerator
The simplest kinds of accelerators that are used to accelerate charged particles through a fixed voltage through the relationship E = qV where V accelerating voltage and up to 10 million volts and charge q accelerated particles, E the kinetic energy of the particle. This means that the energy that can be acquired by the particle accelerated up to 10 million electron volts per unit charge, and this energy is sufficient to study the nuclear structure of the nucleus.
The first accelerator was designed on this basis was in 1932 by scientists Cockcroft and Walton voltage where he arrived to accelerate to 800 thousand volts and adopted the principle of its work on the shipment of capacitors in parallel and then converted to connect straight through the circuit shown in Figure
This method is called double-voltage voltage multiplication Pastkhaddm in the first nuclear test in the following reaction
P + 7Li º 4He +4 He
At present, this type of accelerators Iatmj Vandegrav of the birth of the world developed by Van de Graaff in 1932
The idea that the work of the generator Vandegrav on the principles of static electricity as we know that the electric charge settles on the surface of the connector in case electrostatic and the movement of electric charge through a belt of insulating material and often made of silk and get the belt on the electric charge from a corona discharge, a pointed top of the conductive material applied by high voltage up to 20 000 volts and at the head shaped as charge density increases occur dump him working on an electric air ionization Vtendf cation repulsion force in the direction of conveyor belt, carrying a positive charge to the crust of football from an electrical capacitor with the ground. The idea of this generator is shipped Mosul When the internal move the shipment to the crust with football-related procedure as Mosul in the shape of the shipment and settles on the surface of the outer crust and value of the shipment depends on the relationship
V = Q / C
Where C is capacitance, Q Aahnpo V voltage output and in theory it could increase the voltage to indefinitely because the capacitance is infinite and the more Azhadadt value of the shipment has increased the value of effort, but in practice, the value of a burden for the voltage risking to ionize the air and becomes a conductor, leading to put an end to increase the voltage difference can be obtained. To overcome this problem is placed in a container Alvandegrav generator containing a gas, electrically insulating gas such as SF6 at a pressure of 10 to 20 atmospheric pressure
Characterized by the birth of the birth of Vandegrav Walton Kokovrt to prove the value of the voltage and this is very important in the study of cross-sectional area of nuclear collisions to study the levels of nuclear energy.
Have many American universities and research centers in the image generator Alvandegrav note the following laboratory is equipped with the birth of Vandjrav
Where we note on the right of the image generator Alvandjrav within a warehouse containing a gas barrier and accelerated particles released into the tube in the center magnet works on the modified particle spin direction of the target to the left of the image.
Generators based on advanced generator Vandegrav generator Vandegrav Tandem Tandem Van de Graaff and is described in the following schematic form:
Can be obtained at voltage of 20 million volts and is used to study the interaction of accelerated heavy ions. We note the picture to the left of the magnet that is running on character accelerated particles as well as the magnet which works to direct particles to a number of different paths for each path is allocated a specific experience.
Accelerated Alscaltron Cyclotron accelerator
Alsincltron device is a newly designed in 1934 and used to accelerate charged particles to enormous speeds are used in testing nuclear collisions. Here, too, uses both the electric field and magnetic field for this purpose.
The idea of working
Alsincltron consists of two separate pots in the form of the English letter D emptying of the air to reduce the friction of the accelerated particles with air molecules. AC voltage is applied on both sides of both vessels and applied magnetic field perpendicular to both vessels, as shown in Figure
Is released particles to be accelerated in the center of the region between both vessels to take a circular path and return to the center of separation in a time period of T / 2 where T is the time the noise.
By adjusting the frequency of the voltage applied between both vessels to the heart of Qtabithma to coincide with the arrival of the body charged of the buffer zone where the area of electrically gain shipment push to increase the speed and thus increase the radius of rotation of the body charged gradually until it reaches the radius of the container and then come out of gross shipped by expedited (Alsincltron) quickly large depends on the equation
v = qBr / m
This means that the speed of the accelerated particles is directly proportional to the magnetic field applied and half of the country.
The first accelerator was manufactured on this basis by Lawrence and Livingston in Berkeley in the United States in 1931 and had a radius of 12.5 cm and 1.3 Tesla magnetic field and this card accelerated protons produced 1.2 million electron volts. After several years has been the development of accelerator Alsincltron up to a radius of 35 cm and energy to accelerate protons up to 10 million electron volts. At the end of 1930 was built accelerator Sincltron a radius of 75 cm and energy to accelerate protons up to 20 million electron volts.
In the following image Sincltron Accelerator Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory, which shows the upper and lower magnet as well as the picture shows the beam of particles emanating from Toinha accelerated as a result of the air.
Linear accelerator
This is called accelerated as the Linac Enak in which charged particles are accelerated in stages by the AC voltage as in Alsincltron, but the difference that the path of charged particles will be in a straight line where we do not need expensive magnet. Consists of linear accelerator as in the following diagram of several series of cylindrical-shaped electrode which are connected to each other through the source voltage outlet.
Gaining particles accelerated energy from the gap between the cylinders as a result of the voltage applied to them within the cylinder, where there is no room burst particles under the influence of force push for a period of time equal to half the time the periodic voltage AC until the change polarity difference Alhad applied to the cylinder to the next.
The idea that the work of the Linear accelerator on the synchronization between the energy gained by a particle charged between the cylinders with the electric field AC applied to the cylinders and adjust this synchronization, the length of the cylinder designed to build on the speed of particles accelerated after each stage, if half the time periodic voltage applied is t / 2, the length of the cylinder number n Ieky equation
Ln = vnt / 2
The kinetic energy gained after passing the cylinder number n is given to the relationship
1 / 2 mvn2 = neVo
The previous equations have a length of the cylinder n
When particles accelerated out of the cylinder exposed to an electric field as in the following diagram:
Example Linear accelerator is accelerated located at Stanford University in the United States, which was produced in 1967 within a research program high energy physics and this accelerated gives electrons accelerated energy up to 1.2 GB MeV 1.2x109 eV and experiences that have worked with this accelerated on the dispersion of electrons accelerated to select half of Qatar nucleus.
Large Hadron Collider
Large Hadron Collider, is used in the field of nuclear physics, high-energy for the production of new particles by converting the maximum amount of kinetic energy of particles form strongly Almahalp-to-energy (mass) of the new particle. Suppose a beam of particles such as protons were accelerated to hit a view of the hydrogen atoms are produced new particle X as in the following equation:
P + P º P + P + X
Must be greater than the kinetic energy of particles produced energy configuration to calculate the kinetic energy Almtaloip
mohamed ahmed