Galaxy is a global system composed of a huge gathering of stars, dust, gases, and dark matter are linked together the forces of mutual attraction and revolve around a common center. Estimated astronomers that there are about 1010 to 1012 galaxy almost in the universe perspective beyond the galaxies were photographed, about 10 to 13 billion light-years, ranging in size between the galaxies, dwarf, which does not exceed the number of stars ten million star and is an area of about a few thousand light-years, to giant galaxies, which contain more than (10) 12 star to the tune of half a million light years away. And may also contain one galaxy to the star systems in the form of multiple stellar populations, have mustered a group of stars to be star clusters or groups of solar, and nebulae also contain a statement of the withdrawal of gas-intensive.
Our galaxy
And our galaxy called the Milky Way galaxy or the Milky Way, in which there are more than two hundred billion stars and contains a lot of stellar groups, including the solar system, which belongs to the planet Earth also includes the stars traveling at more than 300 km in the Second
Named according to the forms of galaxies
Historically, the galaxies are classified according to the phenotypic form (usually gather their efforts towards the image of). Galaxy is elliptical (oval) is a famous galaxy, and take the form of an ellipse in appearance, while taking the shape of a spiral galaxies have spiral arms of dust.
Galaxies that have unusual shape and does not take a regular form commonly known as alien galaxies and distorted due to the forces of attraction of neighboring galaxies. This attraction between the galaxies eventually lead to the docking together which would lead to the stages of the build up of stars.
The collision of galaxies in the universe happens routinely, but believed that Zhabta Magellan had collided in the distant past Ours When this happens the clash between the galaxies, what happens is not as shocking as that comes to mind.
And small galaxies that do not have a clear structure can be called irregular galaxies.
Spaces between the galaxies is a thin gas at a density of less than one atom per cubic meter. Most galaxies the interdependence among them, and this configuration, including a cluster named, and these clusters is intertwined with each other also called Grapes of time the universe is enormous.
Although they have not understood yet, but that dark matter constitutes about 90% of the mass of most galaxies. The information indicates that the astronomical observations of black holes is great in most - if not all - galactic centers.
The astronomers discovered that there are millions of solar systems in the galaxy one, the distances between them diverge to a large extent, in the area of the huge crowds in the distant universe, for example, a group that Andromeda is the closest large groups away from us to us more than two million light-years.
Located galaxy (Milky Way) in the system stream containing a set of galaxies called the Local Group.
Distribution of galaxies
Galaxies are unevenly distributed in space. While some are alone and away from relatively light years long for any other nearby galaxy. And the other galaxies in pairs, each in an orbit with the other. However, most galaxies are in groups called galactic clusters (not to be confused with the stellar clusters). These clusters may contain a group of a few dozen to several thousand galaxies. The diameter of some 10 million light-years.
Hungary clusters in turn grouped in a structure called the largest structure of clusters Hungary's enormous potential. They are arranged into networks is huge. These networks consist of interconnected strings or filaments of galaxies surrounding relatively empty regions known as (voids) or (spaces). And one of the largest of these structures is a network of galaxies known as the Great Wall (The Great Wall). The length of this structure 500 million light-years and currently 200 million light-years
How are galaxies
I found many theories about how the galaxies, the most common theories, states that the origin of galaxies is in fact a dark gas, particles begin to crowd by the forces of attraction between them even turn into a large gas cloud. Cloud then begin to spin until it reaches the desired shape.
In the view of astronomers, more than a thousand million galaxies within range of vision telescopes, and they take various forms, as the stars they contain galaxies fall under the general patterns, in short, the galaxies are elliptical (oval) around the stars red advanced age, The Spirals They may mix developed from the stars and the stars of recent origin. The galaxies of irregular shape The stars are the stars of the prevailing blue of recent origin. This suggests to astronomers that the galaxies themselves may be in a state of change and development and galaxies Irregular phase is young, galaxies ovale is aging, and this view is persuasive, but there are aspects of confusing in regard to formation of stars and galaxies and the age can not be explained with the present. Some scientists believe that the speed of a cloud of gas, size and density can specify the type of galaxy that would give rise, if the cloud large and heavy, they consume the material asterisk invasive, and intensify quickly made up stars, and soon only a little into a full galaxy Ihljugip (oval), while the cloud lightweight, thin, which is not subject to the regime, they grow slowly and retain a portion of the soil gas and the condensation occurs later. But there is likely to be longer lifetimes of galaxies and the least systematic, non-luminous galaxies in most cases, a mere isolated nascent stars, surrounded by gas grim and thin. And conviction of all scientists is that the stars all of which came at a time when the Big Bang.
Engorgement and the phenomenon of self-digestion of galaxies
Since the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, the scientists observed that the Milky Way is seeking to swallow translated into the Greater and Lesser Magellanic known as the collision of galaxies through a physical bridge in the form ring around the poles of the galaxy itself. The researchers found that our galaxy is not only to change the format of these galaxies only (through the power of attraction enormous directly proportional to the masses which leads to the formation of the so-called phenomenon of the tides along the lines of the phenomenon known on Earth), but trying to extract galaxies full Madthma, proving us evil Milky Way is finite. According to astronomers calculations that translated into Magellan will expire sometime during Doranhma around the galaxy (Milky Way) within a Thagoppea blacks. Scientists believe this has happened before 8 billion years when our galaxy at the height of her youth, where the swallowing one of the nearby galaxies, and this is not difficult, but we find its effects in the disk galaxy itself, where the split this disc into two parts: one tender is found in all galaxies volcanoes, and the pace of the stars are similar, and the other thick and overlap over the first disk, but Article asterisk less dense than the material disk slave, but the stars are found by scientists in this section starts at speeds differ greatly among themselves, and they say that these stars are not only remnants of the galaxy was swallowed by our galaxy someday.
The researcher Françoise Combs of the Paris Observatory that some galaxies similar to our galaxy does not have the thick disk, which indicates that it was quieter than others and less evil. Combs adds that the most important signs of a merger between heavy Milky Way galaxy and one of the other galaxies, is the age of star clusters that surround us where it is noted that the age of the constellations severe compaction, it is very old and formed during the collision Mottagazptin galaxies.
It is noteworthy that our galaxy was seen in 1994 and is in the midst of one of engorgement, in that year, discovered researcher Rodrigo writing during the preparation doctoral thesis at the University of Cambridge, an area with an asterisk close to the center of the galaxy is characterized by a high concentration of unusual, and noted Rodrigo that this region was greater than that be reduced to aggregates an asterisk, and has therefore called "Galaxy Sagittarius dwarf" because it is found in the constellation Sagittarius, and quickly take scientists this galaxy, they are closer galaxies to the sun, which lies on a distance of 75 thousand light years, as against 179 thousand light-years for the Clouds Magellan. And subsequent research has demonstrated it at the stage of our galaxy has sought to dismantle the galaxy discovered in Sagittarius, in particular to extend their arms around the poles of our galaxy. Recent studies using simulations that the Sagittarius galaxy would not resist for long, since there are almost one or two sessions finish around the Milky Way galaxy, so the Nile gods dispersed within the central nucleus.
The researchers argue that the phenomenon of "autophagy" is not confined to the region of the Milky Way Kmejrp, but there are thousands of other micro-black holes known as "holes Alsodalndjemip" and living in other parts of the galaxy. Indicates Daniel Rowan that these holes is a remnant of the Stars tremendous burst and Onhedmt itself from the inside, and can these stars be holes black reach masses to ten times the mass of the sun, but provided that the clusters confined in a small space somewhat, which is similar to the ball at half diameter of 3 kilometers and contains a mass equivalent to block the sun.
Types of galaxies
Galaxies can be classified according to the forms it takes.
Elliptical galaxies (oval)
Oval galaxies are disc-shaped symbol with Velmejrp E0 indicate it is close to circular shape and E7 indicate it is more elliptical galaxies elongation ((about 60% of the galaxies Ahljugip
Spiral galaxies
Galaxies are similar to the snail wrapped. And was given three symbols are Sa, Sb, Sc Vodhira Sa galaxy breakthrough less than the other types and the size of its largest percentage in the universe 20%
Normal spiral galaxies
Be a spherical nucleus gives rise to a spiral arm.
Spiral galaxies coli
The nucleus and gives rise to a rectangular spiral arms from both ends of the nucleus.
Galaxies Adsip
Is that the shape of galaxies such as the lens to swell its core aspects.
Irregular galaxies
Galaxies which appear randomly irregular and do not have a particular form, such as oval and spiral galaxies and spherical, and contains most of these galaxies are not organized to withdraw the gas compacted and stars, bright blue. And 20% Examples include galaxy Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud ((symbol Irr))
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