Modus operandi of the laser
This form shows the parts of the laser.
* (1) the center of the laser beam product.
* (2) electrical energy to stimulate the center on the version of light waves
* (3) of the light reflector (mirror) high performance.
* (4) lens out of the beam may be flat Ouadsp concave.
* (5) laser beam output.
The device works on the laser light reflection of a single color, ie, a wavelength and one in the rearview mirror (3) and the lens. This is done by stimulating the production of the center on the color of the light, a characteristic of the center. After the reflection beam of light in the center several times to reach equilibrium between the number of developing radiation accumulated in the center and which is characterized by a regular (link) X-ray multi-path reflection. Between the beam and abroad.
The specifications of the lens beam outside Ohmetin:
* Radius of curvature:
May be the internal flat surface of the lens or concave depending on the purpose desired. Enamels and the inner surface of the lens coating silver half reflector so that the laser beam out from the center to the outside. If there is a desire in the compilation of external beam and focused at the center of the outer surface of the concave lens. Also painted the exterior coating to prevent reflection, in order to allow exit of the laser beam output without waste.
* Reflection coefficient of the lens:
The number of reflections of light rays as the backlog within the center on the type of medium used. In laser helium - neon need to mirror a reflection of the degree by 99% to operate the device. As in the case of the nitrogen laser there is no need for internal reflection (a reflection of the degree 0%) where the nitrogen laser is characterized by high degree at the production of X-rays. On the other hand depends on the properties of the lens reflection of light on the wavelength of light. This gives the optical properties of the lens special attention when designing a device for laser.
Types of laser
* Gas laser (CO2 laser, Excimer LASER)
* Laser liquid ()
* Laser semiconductor (Semiconductor LASER)
* For solid state laser (Neodymium Yag Neodymium-YAG LASER)
Laser applications
Laser is currently used in various fields Castamalha in CDs in the manufacture of electronics and accurately measuring the distances - especially the dimensions of space objects - and in communications. Also used a laser in the treatment of some eye diseases where it is to shed a laser beam in the form of high-energy flashes at a certain point in the eye for a short time - less than a second -. And eye diseases that used the laser:
* Diabetic retinopathy.
* Holes in the retina.
* Vein thrombosis or occlusion of the website.
* Glaucoma (high eye pressure).
* Disadvantages of optical refraction in the eye (length or short-sightedness and astigmatism).
* Blockage of the tear ducts.
* Some tumors inside the eye.
* Cosmetic surgery around the eye.
* Cases of macular extinction.
Eliezer is also used in surgical procedures such as brain surgery, heart and blood vessels, and general surgery. In 1960 invented a device called the laser beams and a single color, direction and can be focused with a high degree mediated convex lens. There is also a lot of material capable of firing a laser beam, including frozen (Ruby and neodymium glass), and gas (helium, neon and xenon) semi-conductor material (arsenic, gallium and indium Antimony)
When it is stimulated laser-mediated electricity rising energy atoms from the lower level to the highest level, and re-reduction to the energy level of the minimum passing level East due to the unstable particles located in the path of energy then emit photons which gives the ring in the laser and graduated from the device great card arrived as far as I have reached 1700 million MW is interaction in the three to ten million seconds and compressed million and 50 000 kilograms to the square inch and the temperature between 100-200 thousand degrees. Scientists hope to use that method to achieve a nuclear fusion of light elements such as heavy hydrogen and tritium and lithium for the production of electric power.
* Used types of lasers Kalmosofp above, but working cards less, a temperature of between 1000 and 1800 degrees Celsius in the industry to cut steel plates, about one plate thickness of 3 cm. They have the advantage cut very precisely where the laser-mediated direct computer.
* It uses laser welding solids and active material with a degree fusion with high franchise accurately manufacturing due to the launch of an intense beam narrowly focused, it can also laser to open a hole diameter of 5 micrometers in 200 microseconds in the most material globe hardness (diamond and ruby red and titanium) and thanks to the Palace period of industrialization does not occur any change in the nature of the article.
* They also have an important use is another measure distances accurately, whether short or long distances. The laser can measure ten meters without causing an error than one ten thousandth of a meter. Also used laser beams to determine the distance of the moon from Earth. This was done in the Sbainbat where he put astronauts on the moon a mirror to reflect the laser when you fall out, and then the laser beam from the Earth to the Moon and Banekash on the mirror on the Moon and return to Earth scientists could calculate distance of the moon on the ground carefully did not reach them by .
* It is also used in setting goals, a very accurately, since the goal was at a distance of 20 km and we have a laser beam will be confined to a section optical beam in a circle diameter of 7 cm only. If released to the moon will be Qatar Chamber formed only 3,2 km.
* Taking place in America research massive use of laser-energy is very high for the destruction of enemy missiles high in the space before her arrival to America, and were able to achieve some success on this path, but research is still ongoing, first to master this new technology, then build a network of bone to detect hostile missiles while the launch, followed by direct lasers strong (or the laser weapon) on anti-missile to destroy it in space, this technology also includes the use of satellites and its role in this domain. The United States has a lot of money to make progress in this project.
What is a laser?
Laser = light amplification of the emission of radiation Catalyst
Laser is a mechanism for light emitting electromagnetic radiation within the region of the spectrum, through the process of stimulated emission .. Emitted laser light is (usually) and spatially coherent, narrow beam of low-contrast, which can be manipulated with lenses. In laser technology, "coherent light" refers to the light source which produces (emitted) in the light frequencies a similar step and stage. [1] and laser light beam is coherent sets it apart from light sources that emit beams of light is coherent, phase of the random variable with time and position, while the laser light is short wavelength electromagnetic spectrum light monochrome, however, there are laser weapons that emit of light and broad-spectrum, or at one time, when different wavelengths. Laser in the parent is a word indicating light amplification of the emissions catalyst of radiation, the light that is widespread evidence of electromagnetic radiation of any frequency, not only in the visible spectrum, and thus rays Allizrtan red, and laser-UV and rays X, and others. Because his predecessor, microwave, laser and maser, has been Achaehm first, devices that emit microwave and radio frequencies are denoted by "Mother", in the technical literature in the early, especially researchers at Bell Labs of the phone, and was also called laser optical maser, a term common at the present time, moreover, since 1998, the Bell Labs using a laser, the laser is not an accurate word sometimes used to describe non-laser light technology, for example, a coherent state is the source of an atom laser atom.
From left to right: gamma rays, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible spectrum, infrared waves, radio waves.
By Eliezer
Main components: -
Moderate gains *
* Laser pumping energy
* High Reflector
* Output coupler
* Laser beam
Building Eliezer
Laser consists of a gain medium inside the high-reflection optical cavity, as well as a means of providing energy for the Mediterranean. The medium is the financial gain with the properties that allow it to amplify light by stimulated emission .. In its simplest form, the cavity consists of two mirrors arranged such that light bounces back and forth, each time passing through the gain medium .. Usually one of the two mirrors coupler production is partially transparent, the laser beam emitted by the mirror. And the light of a specific wavelength which passes through the gain medium is amplified (increases in power), and mirrors around to ensure that most of the light makes many passes through the gain medium, is being amplified repeatedly. Part of the light that is between the mirrors (that is, within the cavity) passes through the partially transparent mirror and escapes as a beam of light. The supply of energy required to inflate the so-called pumping .. Energy is usually supplied as electricity or light at a wavelength different. May be provided by the light of the flash lamp or perhaps another laser. The most practical lasers contain elements which affect the additional properties, such as the wavelength of the light emitted and the form of Ray.
Laser Physics
The helium-neon laser demonstration in a laboratory at the University of Paris are the only rays of incandescent electricity produced in the middle of the empty light much the same way as in the neon light. Is the gain medium through which the laser passes, not the laser beam itself, which is clearly there. Crosses the laser beam in the air, a red dot that appears on the screen to the right.
Spectrum of helium neon laser shows a very high purity of the spectral fundamental to nearly all lasers. Emissivity compared with the relatively broad spectral light emitting diode. And medium for a laser themselves among the substances of purity, size, focus, and shape, which increases the beam by the stimulated emission. The piece of any state: gas, liquid, solid or plasma. Gain medium is absorbed pump energy, which raises some electrons to higher energy "excited". And molecules can interact with light both by absorbing photons or by emitting photons. Emissions can be spontaneous or stimulated. In the latter case, the photon is emitted in the same direction the light that passes by. When the number of molecules in one country exceeds the number of excited particles in some lower-energy state, population inversion is achieved and the amount of stimulated emission due to light passing through a greater amount of absorption .. Thus, the light is amplified. By itself, this makes the amplifier optical .. When an optical amplifier placed within an optical resonant cavity, one gets the laser light generated by stimulated emission is very similar to the input signal in terms of stage wavelength, and polarization. This gives the coherence of laser light characteristics, and allows it to maintain the uniform polarization and monochrome, in many cases developed by the design optical cavity. Optical cavity, a type of cavity resonator, contains a coherent beam of light between reflective surfaces so that light passes through the means of earning more than once before it is emitted from the output aperture or lost to diffraction or absorption. In the light circulates through the cavity, through the medium gain, if gain (amplification) in the Mediterranean which is stronger than the resonator losses, can not power over the popularization of rise exponentially .. But in each case stimulated emission returns the status of particle excited state of the earth, reducing the ability of the medium to gain more padding .. When this strong influence, the gain is said to be saturated .. The balance of power against the pump saturation gains and losses of the cavity result in a value for the balance of power inside the laser cavity, and this balance that determines the point at which the laser is working .. If the chosen pump power is very small, the gain is not sufficient to overcome the resonator losses, and the laser will be emitted power only a very small light .. minimum pumping energy required to start a laser is called the threshold. Medium gain will amplify any photons passing through it, regardless of the direction, but only for photons correspond to the cavity manage to pass more than once through the medium and to be inflated beam in the cavity and the output from the laser beam, and if they occur in free space instead of a waveguide (as is the case in the optical fiber laser), is, at best, and the low order Gaussian beams. lasers). If the beam is not a low-order Gaussian, and ways to cross the beam can not be described as an overlay Hermite - Gaussian or Laguerre - Gaussian beams (for stable laser cavity) .. Laser unstable resonators on the other hand, has been shown to produce fractal shaped beams. The packets may be highly collimated, which is in parallel without diverging .. However, can not fully collimated beam can be created, because of the deviation .. Collimated beam remain at a distance which varies with the square radius, and diverge in the end at an angle which varies inversely with the beam diameter. Thus, was created by a laser beam a small laboratory, such as laser helium neon spreading for a distance of 1.6 km (1 mile) diameter if shone from the Earth to the Moon 50 In comparison, the output of a typical semiconductor lasers, because of the small in diameter, departs almost as soon leave the slot, at an angle of anything up to 50 degrees. However, it can turn this package to be uneven in the collimated beam through the lens. In contrast, the light from sources other than the laser light can be collimated by optics as well. Although the phenomenon of laser was discovered with the assistance of quantum physics, it is not necessarily the most quantum mechanics from other light sources .. Could be that the process is the free electron laser can be explained without reference to quantum mechanics. Outlying areas of the laser may be continuous, constant production capacity (known as chemical weapons or continuous wave), or in the form of pulses, using the techniques of Q switch, or access to the switch. Spring in the process, there can be no higher than the peak forces should be some types of lasers, such as lasers, and laser dye solid state that can produce light over a broad range of wavelengths, and this property makes them highly suitable for generating pulses short of light, on the order m Low (10-15) s (laser dye solid-state).
Types and principles of operation of the laser
Waves of laser commercially available. Types of lasers described above gives the distinct lines of laser and wavelength. We recall the following types of lasers that emit light within the long wave, the technique used and the color and type of material the laser.
Laser Gas
. Many use tear gas to produce a laser beam, which is used in many purposes. . (HeNe) Helium Neon laser that is emitted in a variety of waves in the range 633 nm, which is common in education because of its cost low.
Laser carbon dioxide
Can emit several hundred kilowatts capacity at 9.6 micrometers and 10.6 micrometers, and is often used in the manufacture of cutting and welding. The efficiency of laser carbon dioxide more than 10%.
Argon-ion laser
Emit light in the wavelength range from 351 nm to - 528.7 nm. Depending on the optics and laser tube, and a different number of lines usable, but the fonts are the most common are 458 nm and 488 nm and 514.5 nm. And nitrogen accidental electrical discharge in gas at atmospheric pressure. Laser gas is cheap and UV due to the wavelength of 337.1 nm.
. Metal-ion lasers are gas lasers that generate waves of deep ultraviolet radiation. Helium - Silver (HeAg) 224 nm and neon - Copper (NeCu) 248 nm two examples. y. This laser is particularly narrow oscillation ls to less than 3 GHz, making them candidates for use.
Laser Chemical
. Laser chemical works by a chemical reaction, and can bring forces high in a continuous process, for example, in laser hydrogen fluoride (2700-2900 nm) and fluoride deuterium laser (3800 nm) in a reaction is a combination of hydrogen or deuterium gas with combustion products of ethylene in nitrogen trifluoride .. They were invented by George C. Pimentel.
Solid-state laser
Laser materials contained in the solid in the habit of "doping" where Chopp single crystal ion, which provides the necessary energy. For example, the first laser works Holeezzr Alrobin is made of sapphire crystal (chromium - aluminum oxide). Is also used in chrome or neodymium Kmmuzeet. Belongs to the category of laser fiber laser is also solid, as a means of effective and practical, and is used in the literature on the manufactures and their parts, also used in welding metals.
Semiconductor lasers
Is the type of laser solids, but in terms of customary laser "solid-state laser" exclude semiconductor name.
Neodymium is a common Tchoub in various single crystals, including the Ietereom (II: Evo 4), lithium fluoride Ietereom (second: YLF) and Ietereom aluminum garnet (II: De). All of these Almmuzeet can produce laser high-Valencia at the spectrum of infrared wave length of 1064 nm. They are used for metal cutting and welding and marking of metals and other materials, as well as in spectral analysis and re-pump dye laser.
Semiconductor laser is also commonly used at frequencies or wavelengths are different, Tsthedm to produce light 532 nm (green, visible), 355 nm UV and 266 nm (UV) when the light of these waves is required. Ytterbium, holmium, thulium, and erbium are other common solid state laser in scope 1020-1050 nm. Ytterbium is used in crystals such as Rob YP DVD: Rob Wye: Rob Wye, Rob Wye: Sys, Rob Wye: Boys, Rob Wye: CaF2, typically operating around 1020-1050 nm. They are very effective and can be powered high because of a defect a small quantity of very strong rise in very short pulses can not be achieved with Rob de YP:. Holmium - YAG doped crystals emitting at 2097 nm and form an effective laser operates at wavelengths infrared power absorbed by the tissue water-bearing .. Of it, that de typically operate in a spring, and passed through optical fiber surgical devices to resurface joints, remove rot from teeth, vaporize cancers, and pulverize kidney and gall bladder stones.
Laser Infrared
Used for infrared laser Katif is usually very short pulse. Laser Titanium - Sapphire mashup (T: sapphire) produces a very thermal constraints in solid-state lasers arise from the authority described the pump, which manifests itself in the form of heat and power acoustic energy. This heat, when combined with high thermal optical coefficient (d n / d T) can lead to thermal Lensing, as well as low quantum efficiency .. These types of issues could be overcome by another novel diode, pumped solid-state lasers, diode pumped thin disk lasers .. Thermal constraints of this type of laser can be alleviated by using engineering laser-medium thickness is smaller than the diameter pump beam .. This allows for more even thermal gradient in the material. Thin disk laser has proven to produce up to levels of kilowatts of electricity.
Eliezer uses
Of laser ranging in size from microscopic diode lasers (top) with many applications, on a football field sized neodymium. Laser glass (bottom) used for inertial confinement fusion, nuclear weapons research and other high energy density physics experiments
Ttabiyat Eliezer
. When the laser was invented in 1960, was called "search for a solution to the problem." [23]) and since then, they are everywhere, and a tool in thousands of applications are extremely diverse in every section of modern society, including consumer electronics, information technology, science, medicine, industry, law enforcement, entertainment, and military .. . The first application of lasers visible in the daily life of the general population was the supermarket barcode scanner and introduced in 1974. Player, introduced in 1978, was the first successful consumer product to include a laser, but the CD player was the first laser-equipped device to become truly common in the homes of consumers, beginning in 1982, shortly after the laser printers.
Some other applications
-FF Medicine: Surgery without blood, healing laser and surgical treatment, Kidney stones, treatment, ophthalmic, dental - Industry: cutting, welding, material heat treatment, cutting off - Defence: Highlight the objectives, guiding munitions, missile defense, anti-electro-optic radar , blinding enemy troops. - Search: spectral analysis, laser ablation, steel laser, laser scattering, laser interference, to run on - Product development / commercial: laser printers, CD-ROMs, scanners, barcode, temperature, laser pointers, holograms.
Eliezer and weapons
. Lasers are known as weapons systems used in science fiction movies, but the actual laser weapons are only beginning to enter the market, and an overview of the laser beam weapons that are hit the target with a train of short pulses of light .. And evaporation and the rapid expansion in the surface cause a shock to damage the target. . Energy required for high-level project of the laser beam of this kind is difficult for the current power mobile phone technology. Public models that work chemically laser bio-gas. Laser for all but the lowest powers can be used in incapacitating weapons, through their ability to produce temporary or permanent loss of vision in varying degrees, while aimed at the eyes. .
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