راغب السرجانى

الاثنين، 28 يونيو 2010


What is Nanotechnology Nanotechnology??

Nano launch speech in English at all, is small-sized precision of the body.
Valenanomitr equal to one billionth of a meter is equal to ten times the diameter of a hydrogen atom, with the knowledge that the head hair Qatar regular rate is equal to 80000 nm. In this scale the normal rules of physics and chemistry do not apply to the article. For example: the properties of materials such as color, strength and rigidity and interaction, and that there was considerable discrepancy between the Nanoscale and The micro.
For example, Carbon Nanotubes 100 times stronger than steel, but also six times lighter.

What can the nano technology to work??

Nanotechnology able to possess the potential to increase energy efficiency, and help clean up the environment, and solve major health problems, as it is able to increase production dramatically and manufacturing costs are very low, and the products of nanotechnology will be smaller.

* What the experts say about nanotechnology??

In 1999, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry "Richard Smalley Richard Smalley" addressed the Commission on the United States House of Representatives on Nanotechnology under the theme: "The impact of nanotechnology on health, wealth, and the lives of the people", he said: "It will be at least the equivalent combined effects of science microelectronics, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering and the formation of artificial chemical compounds developed during this century. "

Nanotechnology to change human life for the better

Started the term (Nanotechnology) is spreading in the field of electronic industries, related to Informatics. If we examine the cards used in computers today, especially notebook found to be compressed to a large degree, The card, which does not exceed a few millimeters thick, consisting in fact of five layers, or to transfer chips compressed with each other.
We also examined if the cables and capacitors, which was estimated to weight in kg, we find that the weight does not exceed parts Almilli grams. The diminished size, and doubled the capacity and all thanks to the reduced thickness of the cables and compression size capacitors and circuit breakers, which short distances, traveled by the electrons, and earn computers, greater speed in the implementation of the operations.

Nano technology refers to the interactions between the components of cellular and molecular engineered substances, usually groups of atoms and molecules and molecular parts of the level of the first primitive biology. And these are the finer things in dimensions less than 100 nm can be useful by itself or as part of larger devices containing multiple things accurate.

When the exact level (nanotechnology), we find that the physical properties and chemical and biological weapons are fundamentally different, and often unexpectedly, from those materials for large parallel because the quantum mechanical properties of atomic interactions are influenced by changes in the material by the micro-level. In fact, through the manufacture of devices according to the criterion of a nanometer is possible to control the intrinsic properties of materials including the degree of fusion and magnetic properties and even color without changing its chemical composition.

On the other hand there are many uses that serve the electronic industries such as manufacturing transistors started Manufacturers transistor access to the natural limits to how small silicon chips and copper, which makes them such materials, has helped this technology to the scientists to gain access to an innovative way to manufacture transistors much smaller than the current chip is not by reducing the size of current chip, but during the manufacture of individual particles.
It has helped the research carried out by four scientists working at the Center for Research of the U.S. space agency (NASA) to pave the way for the construction of transistors of the tubes of carbon micro-enterprises that have been made from a single layer of carbon atoms is measured by the nanometer (one nanometer equals one billionth of a meter).

The scientists concluded that the possibility of manufacturing the transistors of the micro-tubes, and included discoveries Aguartimip to set up these applications, and new techniques to send information, and components of carbon, which act as terminals for the transistor switch means and the use of chains nanotubes electronic systems.

Alternative carbon is one of the known standards for information technology is Moore's Law, which was co-founder of Intel (Jorodon Moore) status, which states that the number of transistors found in one square inch of Integrated Circuits will double every 18 months, but the manufacturers of chips is expected to arrive soon to the traditional boundaries of the chips.
This technique requires the current development of semiconductor to reduce the size of silicon transistors, or simply speed up the current transmission systems.
It is unlikely that this approach works from top to bottom towards the miniaturization of transistors and a diode laser is the fundamental building components for computer systems and communications to be able to meet growing demand for treatment and speed of transmission of information. Even if they were manufactured chips small enough size, these districts developed extensively next to each other will emit the heat very difficult to cool effectively.

If we continue to reduce the size of chips, to be found a new way to manufacture them, and since the nanotubes were discovered in 1991, has presented herself as a candidate for the next step in miniaturization in or out large in size, were interested physicists these pipes because of their e-where they can work either Kamaadn or semiconductors.
As the metal, which can deliver very high waves without dissolution and heat that still pose problems with copper wire, and as semiconductors, transistors can be used in sensitive and high performance.

When you explore alternatives to the traditional manner from top to bottom to reduce the size of silicon transistors, realized that the devices that rely on nanotubes can be constructed miniature from the bottom up through precision Agency.

Devices are resulting by other scientists a new type of transistor. Fteranzistur mini pipe less than the 60.000 time for conventional transistor.
The Srevstava who focus on making the nanotubes act like switches (you can put more transistors in a small space), and adds that the increased density of transistors operating in the normally increase the intensity of the energy it transmits considerable heat makes the body burn the same, but the carbon skeleton need to lower energy and therefore can run the transistor warmly and far less energy.

On the other hand, the scientists study the materials technology miniaturization possible, theoretically or through computer simulation, where they discovered the advantages and disadvantages of building switches and transistors miniature tubes carbon minutes a variety of link and chain atom is made of individual atoms or even DNA molecules but their contribution to the main represented in focus on building precision instruments, and said that if developers had to build precision instruments from the bottom up, they will be needed to completely new approaches towards development.

The following are some findings of each researcher, the four researchers:
Developers need a way to shape the instrumentation, because conventional methods can not describe how the flow of electric current through the device flour, team researcher Anantram Guartimip develop innovative.
Research focused researcher Ning mainly on the transmission of information where it was found that the broadcast system may depend on the heating of electrons in a wire precision semiconductor rather than on the operation and closure of voltage.
After studying the formation and stability of the structure of the reaction behavior of electronic links to the different nanotubes, the Servstaffa created a series of structures that rely entirely on carbon and that could lead all the functionality of devices three methods for computer services. The Yamad devise a way to manufacture an atomic chains of semiconductor applications especially electronics.

Nanotechnology and computers

The idea is to use nanotechnology in the re-arrangement of the atoms that make up the material in the proper status, and each change of atomic arrangement of the material change as output them to a large extent. Ie it is manufacturing a product made from atoms, and adopt the characteristics these products on how to arrange these atoms, If we rearrange the atoms in coal can get the diamond, but If we rearrange the atoms in sand and addition of few items, we can manufacture of computer chips. If we rearrange the atoms in the mud and water and air we can get the potatoes.
The study by science now to change the ranking method based on nanotechnology, from article to article, and solving this mystery, what he dreamed of centuries ago, scientists turn base metals into gold would be possible, but the reality that gold would lose its value!!.

The methods of manufacturing today is not perfect at the molecular level. Vabb, milling, grinding and even print on the stone you move the atoms in large groups, such as try to build things from blocks of Lego, while wearing boxing gloves in the future, will allow us to technology out that we get rid of boxing gloves and arrange the components of the building's core nature and easily without the cost of In most cases, as allowed by the laws of nature, and will be such a vital and important if we had to continue in the revolution of computer components to stretch after the next century, and will allow the manufacture of entirely new generation of products, cleaner, stronger and lighter and even more accurate. It is worth noting that the word (technological zoom out) or (Nano Technology) has become much more common and are used to describe many types of research where the dimensions of the material processed is less than 1.000 nm, for example, continuous improvements in printing on the stone, resulting in display lines is less of one micron. I

Many of the directions of improvement in the ability of units and computer components have remained constant over the last 50 years and there is a widespread belief that these trends will continue for at least several years, after which it will reach lithography to its borders at that time.

If we had to continue in this direction we must develop good manufacturing technology allows us to build computer systems are inexpensive by the quantities of logical elements that are molecular both in size and accuracy, and linked to each other by the types of complex and highly sensitive. It will allow miniaturization technology to do so. We use the term (technological miniaturization molecular) or (molecular manufacturing) instead of (nanotechnology), but whatever the term we use, it must allow us to do essentially the status of each atom in the right place, and make every structure consistent with the the laws of nature that can be identified molecular detail, with not to exceed manufacturing costs drastically for the cost of raw materials and energy required.

It is clear that we will be happy in any way verify simultaneously the first three goals, but it seems that it is difficult to use some of the spatial patterns of structure (ie a correct parts of the molecules in the right place) and some forms of self-mirror (to minimize the cost). Involves the need to obtain the spatial assembly of the interest of molecular mechanisms (ie, mechanical devices that are molecular in size and accuracy). Is likely that these mechanisms of spatial scale molecular re-compilation versions of micro-parts of the corresponding microscopic. And spatial aggregation is used frequently in manufacturing today microscopic connect with both hands behind your back! The idea of controlling the development of individual atoms and molecules is still new, but because we have to use at the molecular level the concept of effectiveness at the microscopic level, and make the parts go to where you want them to go.

And the resulting requirement for low-cost manufacturing systems interesting mirror self, where such systems do make copies of itself and manufacture of useful products. If we can design and build this system, the cost of manufacturing this system and the costs of manufacturing similar systems and products that work to produce (assuming the ability to produce copies of itself in an environment that is reasonably inexpensive) will be very low.

IBM technology to zoom

Research at the IBM Corporation in the area of miniaturization technology to the design components and new atomic structures at the molecular level to improve the information technologies, in addition to discovering and understanding the scientific basis. Through the leadership and development of miniaturization technology or nanotechnology, IBM's scientists were able to study development of these technologies at the level of nano-technology or dwarf. Specifically, the carbon tubes and mini-probe examination, which is produced from a microscope Atomic Energy offers the promise of empowerment to improve services and means of storing data.

And a search in the nanoparticle applications in medicine, natural addition to the storage on the hard drive of the computer.
It is noteworthy that research in the field of information storage by mechanical nano-technology projects, such as IBM's call it MILLIPEDE will continue to increase the possibilities of increasing the storage density of the antenna.

Science is still in its infancy

Used technology (nano-) physical properties known to atoms and molecules for the manufacture of devices and equipment, new, unusual features and when you tighten the grip of scientists on aspects of this science Ripper becomes almost certain achievements beyond what humanity has made since it first appeared on Earth millions of years ago. Experts say that nanotechnology is the human scientific revolution has a tremendous change with the features of life in all aspects of health, education, financial .. Etc., including making life better, and helps get rid of the chronic diseases afflicting people over the centuries.
Nanotechnology will also work to improve methods of agricultural and industrial production and reduce costs in an unprecedented manner, which means more comfort and the end of the troubles of the human era.

The growing laboratory is currently a close race between researchers aims to put an outline in The functions (methods of work of the proteins in which the chemical with interested physicists study the structure of these materials and their functional characteristics, with a view to protein synthesis copies the industry with new properties and particles larger and more complex and limits the researchers their duties in Currently in the design of a robot small size is able to move molecules so that is possible to multiply itself automatically without the intervention of external factors. With regard to the human body is expected to operate nanotechnology to fight diseases of the body and the reproduction of dead cells and multiply and do the policing role in the body for protection devices to strengthen the immune system in humans.

Technology miniatures .. second industrial revolution

There has been a question raised long ago on the developments that can occur in manufacturing if it enables the human to control corn well and benefit from them should be through the move? It was the first to raise this question, physicist Richard Feynman, where he asked for (what would happen if scientists are able to arrange atoms the way they want?).

This came in the window announcing the emergence of modern technology in its infancy in the first time, called nano-technology or nanotechnology (Nanotechnology). And we have been advertising (Veneman) more than four decades, until now, despite the fact that development in this technology has been delayed compared with the steady progress in computer science for example, but this technique re-emerging high density recently, in the form of innovations and scientific reports in Many of the world scientific publications.

But there is an agreement that in 1990 is the real beginning of an era of technical nanomaterials, in that year, the researchers were able in a laboratory sub-one of the companies electrons global giant from making a smaller ad in the world, used the 35 atom of the element xenon in writing the name of the company with three letters on the facade of branch headquarters in the Swiss capital! Scientists predict a promising future for this technology, which has become industrialized countries in Europe, Japan and the United States to pump millions of dollars to develop.

And the United States alone has committed this year allocated more than 497 million dollars for technical nanomaterials and their uses, and the computer companies major interested in scientific research, such as (Hioled Packard) and (IBM) and (Three M) The allocation of up to one third of the amounts allocated to research scientific technical nanotechnology.

He developed a number of scientific reports at once, and occupied an entire chapter of nanotechnology research in the Journal of American Science (Science) in November (in 2000), followed by several reports in publications and other scientific journal Nature (Nature).

Medicine and nano-technology

Balmikronat measured in cells, and even Micron per million parts of a meter, measured in atoms Balnanomitr which is equal to one billionth of him
Meter or one of 80 A part of the display of a human hair. The aim of nanotechnology - technology to build and harness the objects at the atomic level
(By volume). As expressed by Dr. Jack Judy professor of electrical engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles, there is portrayed in the growth
Nanotechnology - technology; what he calls the first distillation technology buzz, as it seeks engineers molecules to the formation of nano-structures - technology have been produced one after the other units of the molecules. The second perception is based upon the reduction of existing technologies to the limit. The latter arose from the science and applications of microelectronics, known as Mchterath Almimat MEMS.

Says Judy: "has been manufacturing technology used in the manufacture Almimat constantly evolving thanks to the industry circuit nanotechnologies. It is now possible to produce structures, electrical, mechanical, liquid, precision-sized, almost infinite, as we produce glass or silicon plant and equipment smaller from Micron. " This means that complex machines are being replaced with another, smaller and smaller in size.

At present, works of Dr. Judy in the field of technology to isolate the cells, control and functions physiologically, he says, for his project: "The endangering the cell to effects of radiation or temperature or flow rates of liquids or other chemicals will change the environment cell of Foreign Affairs. And is currently all but grown slowly too. However, the technology that we are developing allow the use of a large number of cells at one time, which in turn allows scientists to study the behavior of the cell with greater accuracy than was available in the past. They were then able to monitor what is happening outside of the cell without having to have any idea what is happening inside ".

Judy's favorite tool is a bio-chip is a small piece of glass area of a square centimeter in the centimeter, and the small channels can be isolated cell and cell-related outlets. , The world can watch what happens to the cell through a microscope. Judy tells us that the pharmaceutical companies show great interest in the technology that works to develop because it will allow those companies to develop Mkchwadtha in science and the pharmaceutical industry.

Says Thomas Webster, an engineer biological and assistant professor at the University of Perdue Perdue University: "The delivery of medicine to the body is one of the first applications of nanotechnology - technology candidate for use. And through it we can enter into the cell dose of drug is smaller than 100 nm but to draw attention ". In fact, it can be given medicines to patients in the form of tablets is measured in microns in size to release the drug on the target cells. The theory adopted here is that the effectiveness of the drug increased if the micro-quantities of this form. And the smaller the dose of drug, the less harm to the patient because they would not target at the time, the cells that cause the disease or infection.

And Webster also looking at ways to use nanomaterials for restoration and repair of normal tissue, as demonstrated traditional means such as planting bones and blood vessels for its inability to provide a smoother, flatter surface, which are available using nanomaterials. According to Webster: "We have found that the environments of nano helps the body to reproduce itself better, whether in the field of bone or blood vessels or Algdharoviat and the cells of the bladder. We have been proving all practicable. Is expected to expand its use in the human body in relatively soon." It is also expected to remain working new material into the body for longer than 15 years, currently available for most forms of traditional farming members.

Jennifer is not interested in an assistant professor of the Department of Bioengineering, Rice University Rice University in Houston, Texas, and competent research treatment of cancer and prolong the life of patients. Conducts research on a substance known cobalt nanoparticles are characterized by their ability to light saturation degree on IR, and known for its ability to penetrate the body to great depths. Explains Jennifer process, saying: "We injected cobalt nanoparticles on a regular basis and leave it moves through the body to reach cancer cells and fuse them, then we shed rays near infrared through the tissues, and because there was a high temperature cobalt nanoparticles. And create holes in porous membrane tumor cells Vtlthm and caused her death. "

It adds Jennifer West: "The application of the amazing nano - technology. We have seen cases of full recovery of tumors in mice and laboratory animals other which we have experience it, some of which lived for months and months without recurrent symptoms from which he suffers to Appear."

Scientists expect to become nanotechnology - technology in the near future an integral part of daily medical practice especially in the delivery of medicine. However, we find Jennifer West warns that it will not happen in the near future she says: "We are still at a distance of several decades of such sophisticated equipment that swim through our body to fight bacteria, viruses and transformation of all human beings to the creatures of true recovery".

Viruses in the size of dinosaurs!

Scientists zoom photos, minutes, and the particles and micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses to sizes up to the size of a football field. And managed by advanced technologies; see the landscape in a natural way a three-dimensional and interacting with them, but one of them has some tingling bacteria muddy in some quarters, food and prick carbon tubes the size of a nanometer (= part of the nano-billionth of a meter).

And named the new machine "Nanomagneulatur" nanoManipulator)) or nanometric processor, this machine has enabled modern scholars to swim in the world of infinitesimal, by wearing special telescope. Up and is most advanced version of Nanomagneulatur in the Department of Physics, University of North Carolina, "Chapel Hill". I have been using the latest technology developed in the world today to create this device (the latest virtual reality techniques and the latest Probe (sensor) Sensual flour, which allowed scientists to touch and feel the micro-particles).

Says, "Eric Henderson," a professor at the University of Iowa after his visit to the campus to test the "Nanomagneulatur": This device makes you feel that you are flying between the molecules, and makes the chromosomes seem much like the size of a mountain range. He says, "Richard Soparvain" professor of physics at the University of North Carolina, who led the team by the developer of the device "Nanomagneulatur:" He has a practical purpose the most important for researchers is the provision of time, effort and money; where they can this device work experiment; note and sees the results immediately and watch vocabulary on the ground in a few seconds.

How has Nanomagneulatur?!

"Nanomagneulatur" is the fruit of collaboration between researchers in natural sciences and a group of computer science. I have started the actual work of production in the late eighties, when scientists began working to develop a new type of microscope called "microscope probe scanner." Instead of using light waves or electrons to examine the sample what a picture of felt it, this microscope to feel the sample directly through the Probe infinitesimal; is at a point does not exceed the size of the molecule. and wipe the sensor surface of the sample gently; just read blind fingers on Braille. The result is at once an image stereo, three-dimensional volumes can be amplified to more than one million poor; although they are no larger than a few of the original Nanomtrut.

Started "Roppinit Warren" Researcher computer science at the University of North Carolina, the actual work on this project in the early nineties when he was looking for a way to use the technology of virtual reality Virtual Reality)), has been assigned "Roppinit" students for graduate work to find a way applied to this area. And development of the project to become a joint venture between several scientific departments at the University of North Carolina.

Includes Nanomagneulatur machine saying looks like a stick driving, relate to the machine to a personal computer equipped with card graphics very advanced, are transferring data the microscope for viewing in the form of three-dimensional image with multiple colors, and can sensor the exact scientists to touch and feel Milestones little things that they teach and scientists have felt the edges of small gaps present in the protein molecules, and viscosity of some types of pathogenic bacteria. Physicists also able to study the carbon tubes minute or Nanoteob nanotubes)) that may constitute parts of the small electronic devices and machines one day. He had seen a fight Alkimaiion atoms within carbon tubes minute, prompting them to think small engines work by urging these tubes to move, such as gear teeth.

He says, "O and Ashbern" Professor of Physics and Materials Science at the University of NC: The team Nanomagneulatur have learned a lot from the rules of physics governing the movement of minute particles, for example, small molecules are not affected by gravity, but are strongly influenced by the laws physics such as viscosity.

Nano-technology and treatment of cancer

Devices can minute work radically change the treatment of cancer for the better, and significantly increase the number of elements therapeutic, because the means minute, for example, can act as custom-designed to deliver medication and able to put large amounts of chemical elements therapeutic or therapeutic genes inside cancer cells while avoiding healthy cells, it will greatly reduce or eliminate the negative side effects that accompany most of the current methods of treatment for cancer.

A good example of the world, a biological virus, capsule, manufactured a limited number of proteins, each of which has the characteristics of specific chemicals work together to establish a means of Multi-Function accurate delivery of genetic material. Will work technology out to change the basis of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer, through means minute innovative capable of fulfilling the functions of medical, including the detection of cancer in its early stages and to identify its location in the body and deliver anti-cancer drugs to cancer cells and determine if these drugs kill cells cancer or not.

Miniaturization technology to develop a plan for cancer treatment

The technology plan zoom out to cancer treatment to provide significant support in this area through internal projects and external plant standardization of technological minute which will be working on the development of important standards for equipment and technological means and the minute that will enable researchers to develop interfaces work multiple jobs and the multi-tasking.

Nano-bombs to blow up the cancer cells

Scientists have developed from the Centre for Cancer (Mimorian Kitering) U.S. smart bombs penetrate the microscopic cancer cells, and explode from the inside. Use the scientists, led by (David Chenberg) nano-technology in the production of bomb-style, and then used to kill cancer cells in laboratory mice. And the work of scholars to edit the atoms of radioactive material (actinium 225) linked to the type of antibodies (molecular cage), and these atoms have succeeded in penetrating the cancer cells and then killing them.

The (Chenberg) that the team of scientists to reach an effective way to connect the atoms antibody and then launched against cancer cells. Mice were able to live cancer 300 days after this treatment, while not lived mice that had not received treatment more than 43 days.

Exist at all (a bomb) and a cell with radioactive elements capable of firing at the three molecules decay. Each molecule of these molecules launches atom (alpha) with high-energy, so its presence within the tumor cell, reduces the likelihood of alpha particles to kill healthy cells.

Method was tried out on laboratory-cultured cells of various types of cancer that affect humans, such as tumors in the breast and prostate and leukemia. The first TV debate of the way in the fight against leukemia after scientists realized that experiments on mice followed the emergence of side effects.

(Nanobiotik) .. Last alternative to antibiotic

U.S. scientists find a way to combat the new scientific deadly bacteria that have developed resistance against antibiotics, and the deadly bacteria that have developed lethal autoimmunity to antibiotics, bacteria and genetically modified organisms commonly used in biological warfare. This is a new type of smart alternative medicines unprecedented to antibiotics, and help solve the problem of bacterial resistance to these types of drugs.

It is known that bacteria active drug-resistant; because of the excessive patients in the use of antibiotics, lack of awareness of physicians to the ability of bacteria significant to develop the same resistance to antibiotics, also intervened in genetic engineering and immunology and biochemistry in the architecture of some organisms and genetically engineered so as not to be affected by antibiotics, and does not affect the bait or vaccines that have been prepared on the basis of the genetic makeup of organisms parasitic pathogens normal. The World Health Organization has recently issued a warning that all infectious diseases the development of immunity to the antibiotics regularly.

Concerns about possible impacts on human health and the environment:

Eric Drexler Eric Drexler world, which laid the foundation warned that nanotechnology development is very strong and dangerous techniques in his book Engines of Creation, Drexler imagine that the molecules self-cloning work that the people may avoid control. Although this theory did harm to the reputation of the researchers in this field widely, and many concerns remain regarding the impact of nanotechnology on human health and environmental as well as to the impact of new industry. Activists worry that science and the development of nanotechnology Sitqdman to and can quickly devise appropriate regulatory measures

And I wish from God to be reconciled

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